Friday, 20 February 2015

Cut the strings

The society we live in have become so many excuses to why things happen and wait for others to deal with the problem. Where did the will to take care of yourself go? We are all people that have to take care of eachother to make the society go round. If noone is working, where do we get money and taxes from. Who will pay for what noone wants to pay for, social services and hospitals, the roads in town, the pavements and the parks. Someone have to pay for all we got and wants to keep. But who????

I take care of me and we take care of us! Stop blaming others for things happening to you and deal with it. If I don´t take care of myself, who will? Why sit and wait for help? What if noone comes, does that make you happy? Action!! 

The feeling that we have to be taken care of is what they want us to feel. To paralyse us. But, who will take care of us if noone take care of anyone. Not even ourselfs. Will a robot take care us???

Where are we heading, is this what we want?

All the things happening in the world, where do it come from. Its like a great puzzle and it makes no sence at first sight but after some studying it´s a scary pattern. It all leads to people who treat us well, too well. They want us to be marionettes and behave that way. Obey, say thank you and never question the system.

I want to live my life myself and not let others live my life for me. I can miss out on so much wonderful things if I do not live my life myself. The eager to learn new things make me keep going and enjoying my life. Of course we all have hard times in life, but unless we learn from it it was not worth it.

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