Sunday, 4 October 2015

Michael Jackson Impersonators and Fakers

The mystery surrounding Michael Jackson have opened up for lies and speculations. The many surgeries he has claimed to have had and the change of skincolor also made it in some ways hard to spot the fake from the real one. But as so many have said before, the truth is in the eyes of the beholder and eyes never lie!!

There are many that since june 25, 2009 have claimed to be the real Michael Jackson and unfortunalety thousands of hearts have been broken by fakers and liars. We have to separate the liars and fakers from impersonators though, some have been working with the real King of Pop and they use their own names as they perform or appear on pictures and/or shows. The truth is not as easy as white or black. The shades of grey are so so many.

Below I post some of the names and pictures found on the internet, there are both male and female claiming to be Michael Jackson and impersonating being great fans of the King themselves and there are those duping the fans. The list is infact very very long but I have chosen a few!



Carlo Riley

Sergio Cortes



Elena Romanenkova

Rob Miller aka MrBeeHappy - Veronica - FAKER duping so many online!

Friday, 3 April 2015

And Timing Is Crucial

Pronounced dead at 2:26 local time 

Last rehearsal
1:30 am ~ goes to bed
1:30 am ~ 10mg valium
2:00 am ~ 2mg ativan via iv (he already had an iv in 30 min? That’s a lil drastic even for someone of that status)
3:00 am ~ 2mg versed via iv
5:00 am ~ 2mg ativan via iv
7:30 am ~ 2mg versed via iv
10:40 am ~ 25mg propofol
10:50 am ~ Murray goes to bathroom
10:52 am ~ Murray says he came back to the room, didn't he check on MJ to make sure he was ok?
10:52 am~ 11:18 am = 26 min lapse of time?
11:18 am ~ Murray on phone with 3 separate calls for 47 minutes
11:18 am to 12:05 pm ~ Time Murray is on the phone (47 min) (you really think Murray is gonna stand over MJ and talk on the phone, while getting his much needed rest?)
12:05 pm ~ Murray off phone says returned to room to find MJ not breathing, but says exact time is unknown.
12:05 pm ~ 2mg of reversal drug Anexate (why does this take 5 min?) Its said that Murray did CPR for 25-30 min during this time. How is that possible if at 12:10 he goes to get security after performing CR for 25-30 min. Wouldn’t he have had to find MJ in the middle of a phone call?
12:10 pm ~ Murray called security to call for help (if Murray is running down stairs to get security who is doing CPR?)
12:21 pm ~ 911 call (why does it take 11 mins to make a 30 second call?)
12:25 pm ~ Ambulance arrives
12:40 pm ~ Ben Evenstad arrives ~ how did Ben get there so fast after the Ambulance? 15 mins?
1:06 pm Ambulance left the home of MJ.
Total time Ambulance was at the home 12:25 ~ 1:06 = 41 min. Isn’t one of the first rules that you take as least time as possible at the place to get them to the hospital faster?
2.7 mile trip from Michaels house to hospital, takes 8 min. This was an unusual route, who cares if the paparazzi is following you!
1:14 pm ~ EMT’s arrive at hospital with Michael
1:30 pm ~ The world gets notice of Michael falling ill. (but its said he was already gone at this time)
2:26 pm ~ Time of death is stated by Jermaine. How can that be the correct time if 56 min earlier he was supposedly already “gone”? Also why did Jermaine feel the need to say “My brother the Legendary King of Pop Michael Jackson, passed away on Thursday June 25th 2009 at 2:26pm” It was obvious that he passed away on that day…so why say the whole date? 5th day of the week, 6th month, 2009, 2:26! What would be the purpose of all those numbers?
2 hours and 5 min ~ from first call to time of reported “death”
According to the timeline if CPR was 25 min long then 911 called at 12:21 he went down at 11:56 (56 again)
Stated that drug had been given for 6 weeks prior to that day. Sold in 20mL or 50mL or 100mL. 6x200mg=1200 mg, 6x500mg=3000mg, 6x1000=6000mg. There was a purchase of 6 bottles. According to TMZ 20mL and 100mL bottles were found at MJ’s house. Its been noted that 25mg would not knock him out…his weight would require 150mg. If that was done repeatedly it would require more over time!!!
That means there was not enough in order to have given it to him every night for 6 weeks in a quantity that would render him to sleep!
Why is there monitoring equipment in this episode. It's been noted many times there was NO monitor!!!

Author Unknown

Who is Michael Jackson?? (belly button chapter)

We heard of Michael Jackson doubles, rumoured twin, impersonators and lets stop it there. We all heard the stories. We have seen different eyes, noses, ears, foreheads, shape of the face, chins and more. There have been pictures of hands and moles. Here is another chapter: belly buttons!! The belly button was disscussed when they showed pictures from the trial People vs Jackson. Or rather it was the missing belly button people talked of....

I added an extra twist to the hoax at the bottom of the page ;-)

 So now the question again is..... Who is Michael Jackson??

Some will ask the question who is the REAL Michael Jackson in these pictures but is there an answer to that?? Maybe they are all the artist Michael Jackson. Maybe many are playing the same role as the superstardom star. What do you think?? Is this one of the greatest illusion the world has ever "seen"??

The missing belly button:

There is no such thing as a coincidence!!

True Meaning of Easter (YouTube video)

The True Meaning of Easter

Instead of all the commercialized items like chocolate bunnies and egg hunts, we should shift our focus for Easter to faith and rebirth. All of the superficial material things that are brought out at Easter time have really no meaning, to the true meaning of Easter. I believe a large part of this is designed to trun people away from developing a spiritual relationship. That is what we are after all spriitual beings. Within the world today we are being lead away from a true spiritual path, to one that is man made. 
At Easter time, images of new life are usually easy to find, with spring in the air. Newly grown flowers, newly born animals, birds returning to their place of origin after a long winter. Everything is renewing, being re-birthed, coming back to life. Easter has a much deeper and symbolic meaning that needs to be taught. On Easter Sunday, the day when the resurrection of Jesus is remembered. It is the proof that Jesus had indeed conquered death making our faith in Christ not without hope. Within the message that is taught we should also remember the Jesus is alive forever, he sacrificed his human life for the better of all mankind.

After the resurrection from the dead into spirit form. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me will live, even after dying” ~ John 11:25. Though we should understand that dying does not always mean a physical death, as it did with Jesus. It can represent the death of an old life and the resurrection of a new life. It all occurred for you and for me, one man who changed all of our lives. When we think of those few people in life that have sacraficed their lives for many people, we should understand the unselfish act in which they gave of themselves. And what it must have meant to them to preform that act.

*Did you know that Rabbits are a powerful symbol of fertility and new life? That is why they are used to represent Easter.

Author: Unknown

The True Meaning

On April 6th, 2012 many Christian’s will celebrate Good Friday, they commemorate the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ on the cross.  Many today do not know the true story of The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. This is the day in which those who celebrate may go to special church services, fast, or meditate to recognize the sufferings and agony that Jesus endured on that day for our sins. There is actually a week called the Holy Week, in which many different celebrations are held.

A group of Jewish leaders hated Jesus because He condemned their sins. They did not want to believe the truth He preached, as He urged them to repent and turn back to God. They became jealous for the great crowds that followed Jesus and believed in Him. They finally decided they needed to get rid of Him by having Him killed. Since the Jews did not have the right to have a man killed without the approval of the Roman governor, they had to take Jesus to Pilate. At the trial they had no evidence of wrong doing by Jesus, but put enough pressure on Pilate that he finally agreed to have the soldiers kill Jesus by crucifying Him.

They took Jesus outside of the city of Jerusalem on a small hill called Golgotha or the place of skulls, sometimes called Skull Mountain. He was nailed to the cross, left to suffer for crimes he did not commit. Even through all of the pain Jesus thought of others before Himself. His words were “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do”. Throughout the time he endured the agonizing pain, He preached. The two thieves that were crucified at the same time, on expressed faith in Jesus, and He answered “Today shalt thou be with me in paradise”. He also asked his beloved friend John to care for his mother, as he would parish soon. Jesus’ final words expressed his complete surrender to the will of God as He said, “It is finished; Father into Thy hands I commend my spirit”. He then bowed His head and died.

The shadow of the cross that was raised on Golgotha reaches across centuries to offer comfort, forgiveness, and hope to us today. The story of the crucifixion is almost unbelievable, for it is hard for us to imagine such love. “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son” is the message of the golden text of the Bible, John Chapter 3 verse 16.  Jesus had to love us beyond measure to give Himself willingly to die for our sins. To complete the story we return the love by loving him and each other. Though there are many versions of this story. But it is what we take from it that is important. We as humans need to care for our fellow man more then we care for ourselves at times.

Everyday there are those that are crucified for what they believe in, or for crimes they did not commit. It is to our salvation and justice to help those in need.  To understand why some people do the things they do, such as religious practices. The studying of different religions not only brings us knowledge, but can open our minds. Just because you study a religion does not necessarily mean you completely believe in it, you’ve just opened your mind and heart, welcoming others.

Author: Uknown

Good Friday

My cross is too heavy to wear
I looked with envy at others
whose crosses seems lighter than mine
I beheld the cross
I impulsively wanted to wear
I forot about the thorns
that started to piers my skin
listening to the sound of my own footsteps
the weakness to fall for the selfishness
grueling and bitter with strife
of the confusing swirl
Wondering where my journey would end
Walking this path I feel all alone
Weak and weary I find no strenght to
standing falling forward clinching sand torn,
battered and bruised I look again
I endure the anguish as rope binds hands and feet
a spike set on my skin
the cross I'm nailed with
horrid pain, would that jerk shake my soul
my own cross I wear

Author: unknown

Friday, 20 February 2015

I want to be free

I am sad, I am frustrated
My world is falling apart
People are trying to control me

Society is trying to control me

No way I want to let them control me!
I am me,
I am human,
I have a mind.
I have my own wish to live and create my own future.
I will not allow this sticky, nasty, mindcontrol control me, peope around me or the society

Now my mind is awake.
Now I can think.
Now I can break free.

I want the future to be freedom from control.
Freedom from this top level of mindcontrol.
People are playing tricks on us,
pretending we are in danger.
Yes they are right. We are in danger, of them!
They kill people, bomb places and scare people!

There are no implants in us, there is no possibility to gauge us.
They play with our minds and are part of our mind.
How we think and how we act.
We all want to be good citizens.
They do not want us to question the system and say Thank you!

They are watching us whatever we are doing, what we eat, what we think and what we see!!!!
I want to be free!!!!

Cut the strings

The society we live in have become so many excuses to why things happen and wait for others to deal with the problem. Where did the will to take care of yourself go? We are all people that have to take care of eachother to make the society go round. If noone is working, where do we get money and taxes from. Who will pay for what noone wants to pay for, social services and hospitals, the roads in town, the pavements and the parks. Someone have to pay for all we got and wants to keep. But who????

I take care of me and we take care of us! Stop blaming others for things happening to you and deal with it. If I don´t take care of myself, who will? Why sit and wait for help? What if noone comes, does that make you happy? Action!! 

The feeling that we have to be taken care of is what they want us to feel. To paralyse us. But, who will take care of us if noone take care of anyone. Not even ourselfs. Will a robot take care us???

Where are we heading, is this what we want?

All the things happening in the world, where do it come from. Its like a great puzzle and it makes no sence at first sight but after some studying it´s a scary pattern. It all leads to people who treat us well, too well. They want us to be marionettes and behave that way. Obey, say thank you and never question the system.

I want to live my life myself and not let others live my life for me. I can miss out on so much wonderful things if I do not live my life myself. The eager to learn new things make me keep going and enjoying my life. Of course we all have hard times in life, but unless we learn from it it was not worth it.

Thursday, 19 February 2015


There are illusions to show the truth. There are illusions to hide the truth. There are illusions within the illusions to go to a deeper level to make the confusion or blindness complete. There are illusions within the illusions to show the truth in a deeper level. 

There is a dust spread to make the illusion complete. The real rulers spread the dust to others that spread out some more. But there is a bad smell of that dust. But only if we open up all of our senses we can feel the smell and see the truth. The truth may not be a pretty sight. But at least it is the truth and not the imaginary thing made up to hold us tight in string like marionettes. As soon as we open up our senses it is hard to close it again. That is why the ones that creates the illusions makes new illusions to cover up for the ones that are discovered. New dust is spread here and there but all that is done is that the air is sprayed with Air Freshener. The air will get another smell for a while but the bad smell will return in one way or another if the real reason for the smell is not changed. All we have to do is keep our senses open and the truth will unfold right before our eyes.

There is a magic place. But I want that magic place to be a real magic place and not a fairytale. The truth is way more magic than the fairytale shown like in a live 3D film. Take off the glasses and face the truth.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

What is Michael Jackson really saying?

There has been a new private video released when Michael Jackson is reading a story to Paris and Prince. The story of a special boy...... I written down the words of the story below.....

"We're gonna find out what's special about his brother, There's something special about his brother. Okey..... Now Sammy sometimes get a lift to his school in the car with us and even though he still can't say my name when I wave goodbye in a sad sort of way he waves back to me. And sometimes when we go to the park I don't play with my friends I just lie on the grass with Sammy instead and we watch the sunshine shimmering on the leaves of the treas and we both smile because its beautiful in a shimmering sort of way. And sometimes when Sammy and I are in the sandbox I don't build castles or dig long. long tunnels. I just sit next to Sammy and let the silky sand trickle through my fingers instead, It feels so soft and smooth and it makes us laugh. And when we feels happy in this special sort of way sometimes I'm lucky to have such a special brother because that makes me special too. "

The story is about this special boy with a friend that ".. he still can't say my name..." and the boy is sad when Sammy has to leave for school.

So sammy is the special boy that has to go to school but the kid in the car doesn't go to school or at least not to the same school as Sammy. That child is mostely separated from his brother when they just most of all wants to be together, that's when they are happy.  What is it that makes Sammy special??? Could he be a celebrity?

When the artist Michael Jackson died it leaked out a rumour that Michael Jackson had planned a hoax for about 10 years. MJ died in 2009 and at that time Prince and Paris was 12 and 13. The video is supposedly from 2001 which means supposedly MJ was working on the hoax and part of the hoax is the illusion of how many people that cooperate to create the artist Michael Jackson. Lets say there is a man called Michael that has a twin brother.... a boy that he can't mention by name.......

Monday, 16 February 2015

Illusion of Progress

The illusion of progress
walking 'round and 'round in circles
keeping us in the center of the circle
in the heat of the action
while the truth is raging outside
trying to break the walls to set us free

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Has there always been two Michael Jackson?

The topic that circle now in some places is whether Michael Jackson has/is a twin or someone else that sometimes takes the mans place in the spotlight. If there is a twin, howcome we have never heard of him before and where did they hide him all these years. Where is the best place to hide someone? Where is the place where no one should look for him?  In my opinion the best place to hide someone is where people don't expect to find someone -  right before our eyes......

Below is a picture from the era of Ben with one of the famous pictures of young Michael Jackson with rats on his shoulders and he is surrounded by what seems to be family members. in the background we see a boy standing. at first sight we can see he is about the same age and hight as Michael. Many assume that is Marlon...

A closeup on that boy.... is that Marlon or who is it???

Jackson 5 during the same period with Marlon standing on the right side of Michael in the picture:

So.... has there always been two Michael Jackson??

Please comment on the blog or on twitter!!

Monday, 2 February 2015

Michael in the mirror??

This video is supposedly Michael Jackson getting ready with the help of Karen Faye. 


1 One has shorter hair
2 One has bigger eyes and longer hair
3 One Michael is wearing the white bracelet on right hand (big eyes) and the other on the left hand (small eyes)
4 Some voice differences, At 0,33 the one with bigger eyes has a more high pitched voice. At 0,43 he has a lower voice. 
5 One of them seems to be very much into his looks and the other doesn't seem to care that much......

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

The Answers Are Found In The History

What seems to be a long time ago is not that long ago. Adolf Hitler did take control of a big part of the world. The world blame him for the second world war, but the world do forget that he was elected. People did believe in him. When this happend the world was in a financial critical state. People were desperate. The people followed him and his government and did put their trust in him without taking a look at what really was happening and how it would be done. The masses did not stand up and said no, this is not the way we want it. If we look at where we are now the situation in the world is financially critical. The world is getting desperate for help and fear war. People turn to governments that make promices. What did we learn from the history? Not much it seems. Sadly. Do we question what is going on? No we put our trust in them. We do exactly what they want for a new united world. A new world order. Now we have the chance to stop this to take control if our own destiny or will We allow this to happen again? If We raise our voice as one we can make it stop. Make that change....

The History Repeat Itself

The breaking news May 2nd 2011 was released by the american president Barack Obama 
"I can report to the American people and the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama Bin Laden, the leader of al-Qaeda and a terrorist who is responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent men, women and children." He is said to be shot by US special forces in Pakistan. The news report say that he refused to surrender so he was shot in his eyes with one single shot. Osama bin Laden was the most wanted man on earth. He is said to be responsible for the 9-11 attacks in US 2001 and also the London bombing July 7th 2005. Obama said: "Justice has been done ".

This is the house where Osama bin Laden was found and shot

Below: The bed in which Osama bin Laden supposedly died

Have we seen this before? The second world war ended September 2nd 1945 and Adolf Hitler had already been hunted according to the news he commited suicide. He shot himself in the head in his hideout April 30th 1945 by a shot in his head.  The news was not as fast then as it is now. So the breaking news came in the news paper May 2nd 1945, exactly 66 before the news that Osama bin Laden had been shot in his head. The pic below is the supposed remains of the above ground bunker in which Hilter died.  

There are conspiracy therories about both deaths! 

The Troyan War - One of the famous tricks of all time