Friday, 22 March 2013

Thoth the Egyptian God of magic and wisdom

The mask of the plague doctor - the bird beak and the leather hat - was supposed to make a person look like an Egyptian divinity to scare off the disease
Thoth was known as the tongue of Ra, who had cursed him, and often spoke on Ra's behalf. Because his job was to speak the words that fulfilled Ra's wishes, Thoth is credited with creating the heavens and earth.

Thoth managed to create himself by using the power of magical language. He is known as the creator of magic and the messenger of the gods. Thoth is also referred to in some stories as the keeper of divine records, advisor to the gods, and mediator in disputes. He appears in a few legends as the god who weighs the souls of the dead,

In the Old Kingdom (2675–2170 B.C.E. ) the Egyptians regarded the god Thoth as a violent deity who helped the king defeat enemies. But in the Middle Kingdom (2008–1630 B.C.E. ) the Egyptians identified Thoth as the author of The Book of the Two Ways , a text that described the afterlife. All preserved copies of this text come from the town of Hermopolis in central Egypt. There the local deity was Thoth and thus he received credit for this first statement of knowledge of the next life. The Coffin Texts —spells inscribed on Middle Kingdom coffins—refer to the “divine books of Thoth” and to this god as the “lord of wisdom.” In the New Kingdom (1539–1075 B.C.E. ) Thoth continued to develop as a god of culture and invention. The Egyptians regarded Thoth as the author of many sacred writings. In the Book of the Dead —spells meant to guide the deceased to the next life—the deceased identified himself with Thoth and claimed that knowledge justified his entrance to the afterlife. Thoth was regularly the other gods’ scribe, responsible for divine documents, letters, and decrees. The Egyptians now described Thoth as “lord of divine words,” that is, the hieroglyphic writing system. Thoth became responsible for regulating the calendar and measuring time. At the judgment of the dead, Thoth recorded the final verdict for each individual. In general, Thoth was increasingly viewed as the god who controlled knowledge and the recording of knowledge, and hence was also the ruler of philosophy.

Thoth and Egyptian Mythology:

The parents of Thoth are said to be the male homosexual pair or "two combatants" Horus and Seth. He is also described as the son of Ra (Re).
  • After Osiris is killed, Thoth helps Horus and Anubis in putting him back together again.
  • Thoth is credited with bringing a young Horus back to life after a fatal scorpion sting.
  • He also helps Horus by finding his eye.
  • After Horus decapitates Isis, Thoth reattaches the head.
She asked him for magic that could bring Osiris back to life
She then went to Thoth who knows all secrets, and implored his help. She asked him for magic that could bring Osiris back to life. Thoth, lord of knowledge, who brought himself into being by speaking his name, searched through his magic. He knew that Osiris' spirit had departed his body and was lost. To restore Osiris, Thoth had to remake him so that his spirit would recognize him and rejoin. Thoth and Isis together created the Ritual of Life, that which allows us to live forever when we die. But before Thoth could work the magic, cruel Seth discovered them. He stole the body of Osiris and tore it into 14 pieces, scattering them throughout Egypt. He was sure that Osiris would never be reborn.

Yet Isis would not despair. She implored the help of her sister Nephthys, kind Nephthys, to guide her and help her find the pieces of Osiris. Long did they search, bringing each piece to Thoth that he might work magic upon it. When all the pieces were together, Thoth went to Anubis, lord of the dead. Anubis sewed the pieces back together, washed the entrails of Osiris, embalmed him wrapped him in linen, and cast the Ritual of Life. When Osiris' mouth was opened, his spirit reentered him and he lived again. 

The Emerald Tablets Of Thoth
Thoth ruled over ancient Egypt. He instituted record keeping and founded the science of mathematics, astronomy and medicine. Invented hieroglyphics and wrote The Book of Breathings which teaches humans how to become gods. Thoth also figured under the name of Agathodaimon, The Good Spirit, and in an ancient Egyptian papyrus he is said to be the one god without parents who precedes all others and whose creative willpower fashions reality. That is some pretty amazing qualities for any real individual or allegory!

Supposedly Thoth wrote down the essence of his knowledge on a tablet engraved on green emerald stone, hence its name the Emerald Tablet. It also figures under the names the Smaragdine Table of Hermes, or Tabula Smaragdina.

 Is there a connection between the emerald tablets of thoth to the emerald city from the wizard of oz

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