Did you want to see me
Bowed head and lowered
Why are you beset with
love strikes away the
chains of fear from our souls
It is sunrise, with Hope
I cling to expectations, until
darkness comes to reclaim
Now if you listen closely
I'll tell you what I know
'Cause nobody, But nobody
Can make it out here alone
unasked and unheeded upon
the ghosted land
Each day is exploding
Under the gaze Of dead
masters I employ to win
its service to my side
are useless as wounded
and much more painful The
caged bird sings
with fearful trill
a caged bird stands on the
grave of dreams
his shadow shouts on a
nightmare scream
the caged bird sings of
please take each others
hands and let's come together
and let's deal with each
other with love
Let us come together and
revise our spirits,
Let us come together and
cleanse our souls
let's leave the preening
And stop impostering our
own history
despite the history of pain
We are a going-on people
I will rise again