There has been a new private video released when Michael Jackson is reading a story to Paris and Prince. The story of a special boy...... I written down the words of the story below.....
"We're gonna find out what's special about his brother, There's something special about his brother. Okey..... Now Sammy sometimes get a lift to his school in the car with us and even though he still can't say my name when I wave goodbye in a sad sort of way he waves back to me. And sometimes when we go to the park I don't play with my friends I just lie on the grass with Sammy instead and we watch the sunshine shimmering on the leaves of the treas and we both smile because its beautiful in a shimmering sort of way. And sometimes when Sammy and I are in the sandbox I don't build castles or dig long. long tunnels. I just sit next to Sammy and let the silky sand trickle through my fingers instead, It feels so soft and smooth and it makes us laugh. And when we feels happy in this special sort of way sometimes I'm lucky to have such a special brother because that makes me special too. "
The story is about this special boy with a friend that ".. he still can't say my name..." and the boy is sad when Sammy has to leave for school.
So sammy is the special boy that has to go to school but the kid in the car doesn't go to school or at least not to the same school as Sammy. That child is mostely separated from his brother when they just most of all wants to be together, that's when they are happy. What is it that makes Sammy special??? Could he be a celebrity?
When the artist Michael Jackson died it leaked out a rumour that Michael Jackson had planned a hoax for about 10 years. MJ died in 2009 and at that time Prince and Paris was 12 and 13. The video is supposedly from 2001 which means supposedly MJ was working on the hoax and part of the hoax is the illusion of how many people that cooperate to create the artist Michael Jackson. Lets say there is a man called Michael that has a twin brother.... a boy that he can't mention by name.......