Before moving onto the conclusion and given the volume of information contained in the formation, I invite the reader to please look back at the simplicity of the crop circle in the barley field and reflect on the masterful way the geometry in the formation interplays with the various features I have uncoverd. That way you may get appreciation as whether it`s all co-incidental or by design.
Wheter after reading this article you agree or diasagree with the interpretation of the crop formation, one thing is clear that the geometry of the formation is far deeper (ie: occulted) than just a series of concentric tings or a piece of PI truncated to 9 decimal places.
The implication of the spiral is one of cosmic order and space/time. yet the added ratchets imply periodic quantum leaps in evolution( and consciousness).
The circle, the square and the elemants are all alchemical symbols representing the soul/etheric higher intuitive self ( circle) and the physical Earth/body (the square). The Masconic square and compasses stems from notions on the composition of man, his purpose in this world, and how one archieves transformation by moving from the set square to the compasses (circle). In this case the square (male) logic is moving to the circle (female) intutive mind.

The best illustration of the BC-PI formation is an occult treatise of the story: "The Wizard of OZ"
Written by L. Frank Baum exactly 70 years ago. It traces an allegorical tale of the souls`s path to ilumination - the yellow Brick Road. In buddhism the same concept is the "Golden Path "

wich symbolizing the material world/physical plan where she starts her spirtual journey. Here we have squaring (grounding) of the circle (soul journey) and the outward path.
Dorothy feels an urge to 'travel ove the rainbow', which is a bridge to the ethernal world and follow the path to illumination. She has basically passed the nadir be seeking a higher truth. This is reflected in the ratio of the centre disk in BC-PI formation as a ratio of 7:1 to the circumference.
The outer rimm of the formation could be coceived as the seven colors of a full-bow rainbow seen only from the air. But also symbloises the intergration of the seven physical charkas of the body.
Dorothy is then brought to OZ by a giant cyclone spiralling upward, representing the cycles of karma, the cycle of errors and lessons learned. It also represents the teosophical belief of reincarnation, the round of physical births and deaths of a soul until it is fit to become divine.
I mentioned earlier about the battle for our hearts, mind and souls. This is also part of the Wizard of OZ symbolism with the scarecrow looking for a brain, the Tin man looking for a heart and the Lion, courage.

The spiral is also sumbolic of the churning of forces into matter and the return to the source. In drwaing on ancient Greek traditions, the creative spiral clockwise and attributed to the feminine Pallas Athena, and the destructive spiral like the whirlwind, which spirals to the left, is attribted to the male force as Poseidon.
Each of Barbury castle`s features is supportive of a narrative that time is fast approaching where we will face a physical and spiritual awakening or crisis that is unavoidable, depending on your viewpoint and awerness. Either way, The message is one of transformation.
The period appears to be circa 2012 + 7 years. The square and the bridle path represent the uncapped Great pyramid of Giza and assembling the capstone is our spirtual guest. Interestingly,
the base line of the birth-path square is 236.25 ft and is in a ratio to the great pyranid base of 756ft at 3.2 times, The diameter of the second smallest disk ( Earth ) at the top is 320"and the GP full height 481ft/3.2 = 150.3 and the radius of the formation is 150.5 ft. A co-incidence???
...You be the judge !!!

Finally, the crop circle narrative points in two directions such that each must choose the path to follow and not be lead (or mislead) by others as indicated by the presence of the birth path. I can`t stress enough that while transformative process is an individual one, we are all in this togheter.
It points to changes of cosmics proportions and i feel we all know that is the truth. The cycle of time seems to be speeding up and events accuring at a rapid pace with the old paradigms no longer a predictor of the future. Climate records are being broken around the world in rapid succession and it appears that such major changes are not confined to Earth with similar climatic changes accuring on all plantes in our solar system.
In the sirius connection, the box with Osiris inside, eventually lodged into a tree that grew around it and concealed it inside itself. Here we have a symblo of the great paradox, of existence upon the phyical plane. Death is the seed of new lif, Yet within life contained the seed of eventual death. Barbury Castle 2008 provides us with the hope that the bridle path is perhaps the last vestige of the box that anchors Osiris ( the soul) to the karmic cycle of the physical plane. The hidden geometric aspect of the box is a reminder of the spirit hidden within each of us.

The message of Barbury Castle 2008 - PI is not a warning per se, But a wake up call that we must understand and accept that accelerated change is occurring and for a reason, We are the cuso of the completion of more than one cycle and hence the accelerated change, the upheavals and the new discoveries.
It is important to heed the message and not react to events from fear- based standpoint, but be aware it`s a process of a spirtial return to source at the end of the cycle. This world will not end in 2012, but the cycle will. and as all cycles do, dawn on a new day